3 yoga poses for improve mental health and reduce stress & Depression

Do you know that 280 million people battle with depression these days? Well that’s true according to World Health Organization (WHO)! It is never late to realise t is necessary to realise that yoga is a must for a effective and sustainable life. So, here we are today with Yoga for Mental Health!

 Sometimes, the root cause lies in the imbalances of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, messy sleep patterns, and an overwhelming weight of negative thoughts.

 While medication may offer temporary relief, the chemicals involved can be unclear and may not address the main issues. This is where yoga shines – the best practice that not only benefits the body but also serves as a potent tool for mental health. yoga is not only limited to mental and physical health , also offering a natural, accessible pathway to your beauty routine.

How Yoga Effectively Reduces Mental Stress and depression

Yoga for mental health gradually reduces stress and depression through therapeutic poses like 


  • Bow pose
  • Mountain pose
  • Diaphragmatic breathing

     These postures helps in promoting relaxation, mindfulness, and overall well-being.  Let’s dive deep into each pose, explore the steps, and learn more about their benefits of yoga.

 1. Bow Pose:

bow pose - yoga poses for improve mental health and reduce stress & Depression - Aarvy palette
Bow pose - yoga poses for improve mental health and reduce stress & Depression - Aarvy palette

Steps for Bow pose :

  1. Lie on your stomach with your arms by your sides.
  2. Bend your knees and bring your heels toward your buttocks.
  3. Reach back and take hold of your ankles.
  4. Inhale, lift your heels away from your buttocks, and simultaneously lift your thighs off the floor.

Benefits of Bow pose :

           The bow pose is not limited as a physical exercise, it’s more of a mood booster. Upon practicing this pose, anyone can experience improved attitude and subconscious empowerment within themselves.
           It also develops a positive mood and strengthens willpower, offering a refreshing perspective in the face of depression.

 2. Mountain pose :

Mountain Pose to Downward Facing Dog Splits - yoga poses for improve mental health and reduce stress & Depression - aarvy palette
Mountain Pose to Downward Facing Dog Split pose - yoga for mental health and depression

Steps to Mountain pose :

  1. Lie on your stomach with your arms by your sides.
  2. Begin in the mountain pose, standing tall with arms by your sides.
  3. Transition to downward facing down by placing your hands on the floor and walking them forward.
  4. Lift one leg towards the sky, coming into a downward dog split.

Benefits of Mountain pose:




This dynamic sequence not only stretches the body but also acts as a remedy for the neurotransmitter imbalances associated with depression.

This pose helps in improving circulation, also provides an energetic boost, and enhances self-esteem. The rhythmic flow positively impacts neurotransmitters, antidote the effects of depression and enhancing mental resilience. 

 3. Diaphragmatic Breathing:

 Depression often disrupts the circadian cycle, leading to irregular sleep patterns. Diaphragmatic breathing, a fundamental yoga practice, helps restore balance. 

Steps for Diaphragmatic Breathing: 

  1. Sit comfortably with a straight spine.
  2. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your diaphragm to expand.
  3. Exhale slowly and completely through your mouth, emptying your lungs.


Yoga’s ability to reduce stress extends beyond mental health. Studies show that the practice can also helps in weight management by lowering cortisol levels, which is a stress hormone linked to fat storage. 

If you’re looking to combine stress reduction with physical activity, we encourage you to check out my 28-Day Yoga Challenge for Beginners specifically designed for women and weight loss. It’s a gentle and fun way to get started and experience the numerous benefits of yoga!

FAQs on Yoga for Mental Health:


Which yoga is best for mental health?


     While various forms are beneficial, Hatha yoga, with its focus on physical postures and breath control, is meant particularly effective for enhancing mental health.

Is yoga good for mental health?


     Absolutely. Yoga not only strengthens the body but also helps in calming the mind, making it an excellent practice for promoting overall mental health.

How do you deal with poor mental health?


     Consistent yoga practice, combined with mindfulness techniques such as meditation, can significantly contribute to alleviating poor mental health.

Remember, yoga is not a replacement for professional mental health care. If you are struggling with depression, please seek help from a qualified therapist or mental health professional.

 We hope this blog serves as a helpful guide for those seeking to explore yoga’s power for mental health. Time to say goodbye for the temporary fixes and embrace the strength that yoga for mental health brings to your life. 

Let us know your thoughts in the comment box and also do not forget to share your personal yoga tips and tricks with all our readers! 

Make sure to follow Aarvy palette and don’t forget to share this blog with your friends and family! 

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